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Teddy was a lovely two-year-old bulldog. Having undergone airway surgery for BOAS (Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome) when he was younger, recently his owners reported an increase in breathing noise and daily regurgitation of froth. He was also reluctant to exercise and was panting excessively. At night he had started sleeping with a toy in his mouth to improve his airway obstruction.

When we saw Teddy, he had obvious stertorous breathing (lower pitched) at rest.

When assessed with the respiratory function grading scheme (RFG - Respiratory Function Grading Scheme | Health | Kennel Club (thekennelclub.org.uk). Teddy also had stridor (higher pitched respiratory noise) and respiratory effort. Ultimately, he was severely affected with BOAS (RFG Grade 3) and required treatment.

Once Teddy was settled and relaxed, he underwent anaesthesia for CT scan and endoscopy.


On scoping his nose, his inner nostril (alar fold) was very large, obstructing his airflow.


There were also some excessive nasal turbinates, along with everted laryngeal ventricles.


Figure 1: Teddy’s alar fold obstruction

The CT scan identified that his palate was a good length but thickened.


His trachea was of reasonable size, and he had no evidence of aspiration pneumonia or hiatal hernia.


Figure 2: CT scan image showing Teddy’s head and thickened palate

Teddy had surgery- palate thinning, ventriculectomy and alar fold resection, with a smooth recovery.

Since his time here at Hamilton’s, his owner reports that his breathing is now much quieter with resolution of his regurgitation and better exercise tolerance. He’s now also able to sleep without his toy held in his mouth after spending the day sniffing around the garden with his increased tolerance for play!

Teddy’s owner is really pleased with his progress - as are we all here at Hamilton’s!

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