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Dr Marieke De Vries

Referral Clinician

Dr Marieke De Vries
Dr Marieke De Vries PhD CertVA DipECVAA DVM MRCVS RCVS Recognised and European Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia

Marieke graduated in Veterinary Medicine from Utrecht University in 2001. She started off as an intern in equine medicine in a large equine referral centre in the Netherlands, before completing an anaesthesia internship then residency at Cambridge University. She has plenty of referral experience having previously worked Wey Referrals, Animal Health Trust and Davies Veterinary Specialists. Marieke spent 4 years back in the Netherlands as head of the small animal anaesthesia unit at Utrecht University, before joining HSR in 2020.

Marieke enjoys the direct patient contact and being able to make an individual plan for each patient’s anaesthesia and pain management. She is excited to be part of a dedicated team at HSR, all hard working and passionate about providing the best patient care with facilities comparable to a human hospital.

Marieke has 2 rescue dogs and a 17-year old Dutch Warmblood mare. She always enjoys being outside: horse riding, walking, bird watching and gardening are her passions, as well as cooking and baking at home (if there is spare time!). 

In the past, Marieke has been a member of the AVA (Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists) Executive Committee for several years. She is also co-editor of the 3rd BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Anaesthesia and Analgesia. Marieke has been an  examiner for the ECVAA for the past 10 years and since 2018 a member of the ECVAA exam committee of which she has been the Chair for the past 3 years.